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¡Juntos Podemos!


We depend on the support of our donors. Thank you so much for your donation!​


PayPal: Use the button below to donate via PayPal. If you're in the United States, you don't need a PayPal account; you can also use the PayPal button below to donate with a credit card.


​Venmo: Just click here to donate via Venmo: Together We Can Guatemala on Venmo. Or just scan our Venmo QR code (below):


Facebook: It's easy to donate through Facebook. Just keep in mind that when you donate this way, you are actually donating to PayPal Giving Fund, a United States 501(c)(3) charity, which then donates the money to Together We Can Guatemala.


One problem with Facebook is that they don't actively tell us when you donate, so we might not realize that you've donated until the next month. So let us know if you donate through Facebook so that we can thank you in a timely way!


To donate via Facebook, just go to the Together We Can Guatemala Facebook page, and click on the Donate button. (The button isn't available in all countries.)


Donate by mail: If you would like to mail a donation, please make the check out to Together We Can Guatemala and mail it to:


Together We Can Guatemala

c/o Peter McManus, Treasurer

804 Honey Run Rd

Ambler, PA 19002


Donate locally in Guatemala: If you are in Guatemala and would like to donate directly to Asociación Juntos Podemos, please contact us to arrange the donation.


Thank you so much to all our donors! You are helping make a better future for Guatemalan children!​


Together We Can Guatemala (EIN 83-0829379) is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered in Pennsylvania. Donations to Together We Can Guatemala are tax deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law.


Are you over 70½ years old and have a non-Roth IRA?​  Unfortunately, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 made it unlikely that most people will still be able to deduct donations on their tax returns. However, if you are over 70½ years old and have a non-Roth IRA, there's a tax loophole available to you! You can instruct the institution that has your IRA to donate all or a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to a charity. That donation reduces your income for the year, thus resulting in lower taxes than if you had donated the same money out of non-IRA funds.


If you would like to make that kind of donation to Together We Can Guatemala, most financial institutions are familiar with the process. But if you have any questions or problems, please contact us at and we'll help set it up.

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